賀!設計組大學部 鄭棻和陳弘諭同學
榮獲2023 林茲電子藝術節(ARS Electronica 2023) 甄選後獲邀參展並榮獲大會專刊特別報導

《Symbiosis with Bees 》鄭棻 CHENG, Fen
本作品欲提問: 誰該維護自然生態的共生權?人類對於非人類的剝削真相為何?本作品擬透過時尚穿戴與影音裝置,串聯並展現植物、蜜蜂與人類三者間的互動牽引關係。首先,在臺灣本土的蜂箱中設置聲音接收器,將接收到的蜂翅振鳴聲於ARS展場中擴大播放,並邀請觀眾穿戴防蜂衣造型物件,進入與蜂最親近接觸的養蜂人情境之中,配戴者將捨棄人之生活日常的所有行為,透過心率感測辨識,操控周遭的投影影像,以虛擬人與蜂共存一體達到共生畫面。藉由此交互體驗,希望引導人們能夠反思自身行為的影響作用,並喚起尊重跨物種間的共生意識與保護環境的實踐行動。
As pollinators, the frequency of honeybee wing beats is closely related to nectar production and impacts the flower pollination rate. “Who should defend nature’s symbiotic rights?” This interactive work intends to motivate individuals to reflect on the consequences of their activities and promote action to protect the environment.
《虛實交易 Exchange between Reality & Virtuality 》
陳弘諭 CHEN, Hung-Yu
Virtuality has reshaped modern society’s operations, transitioning from exchanging physical currency for real goods to trading virtual currency for virtual or real items, achieving complete virtualization. Through metal craftsmanship, the artist reestablishes the tangible connection between the body and objects. Proposing the exchange of handmade coins for virtual items, allowing the audience to choose whether to exchange between the virtual and the real.